Posts Tagged ‘Pneumo’

So, took a good look at my helmet to assess the damage done to it following my crash.  Quite amazed to find where the cracks have appeared. At the very least, I’m pleased that it has done exactly what it was meant to do – protect my noggin in a crash.

Here are some pics of my helmet with the crash impact points and cracks in the frame.

My Pneumo

My Pneumo

Impact point

Impact point

First crack

First crack

Second crack

Second crack

Inner view of first crack at rear of helmet

Inner view of first crack at rear of helmet

Inner view of second crack at rear of helmet

Inner view of second crack at rear of helmet

Holding clip for roll cage ripped and unusable

Holding clip for roll cage ripped and unusable

Well, it’s served me well. Now to get it all packaged up and ready to send back to Giro. No need to throw it away. Am sure they can in some way benefit from receiving it.

On the operating table just before the op

On the operating table just before the op

It’s been 17 days since I crashed while out on a training ride on sunny Wednesday afternoon and eleven days since I had the operation to put a plate into my collarbone that resulted from the crash. See my first post on this here.

Now it’s been a strange time for me since the crash. For one, a lot of pain to endure, but also the want to get back on the bike.

Understandably getting back on the bike is not going to happen straight away. Firstly, my collarbone needs the time to sort itself out and heal properly. A minimum of four weeks according to the doctor before I can use my arm properly again. But at least three months before the bone will be properly healed (and about the same lenghth of time before I can get riding on the road again – according to the doc). That said, I can always hook the bike up to turbo trainer to get my legs turning again.

But, I just don’t feel like waiting that long. I have a serious urge to get back on the bike again, despite what has happened. As soon as I can get my arm to move in a circle without it causing too much pain, the bike will be on the turbo trainer. Just need to feel my legs moving round again. Hate sitting around not doing anything. I mean, reading cycling magazine and books does help to some extent, but it doesn’t make up for it.

At least this week to come has some objectives for me to complete. Need to get my claim form off to the private medical aid company, to get some money back for the time I spent in the hospital. Once that’s done, it’s off to shop for a new helmet. I already know what I am going to get. A Giro Ionos in red and black.  But before going helmet shopping, I am going to have to convince my wife that it’s time to get back on the bike. Understandably, as it is, she wants me to get rid of it. But that’s why I am need to work on that first. Am sure she’ll be ok with it – as it is, I’ve been riding for most of my life.

Anyway, time to get some pictures taken of the damage done to my Giro Pneumo. Will post them up on here a little later. Anyway, here’s an x-ray pic of the plate holding my collarbone together.

Plate on collarbone

Plate on collarbone
